Welcome to TradingExpert Pro 9.5 upgrade
TradingExpert Pro 9.5 made the following
changes please read through this entire page
Install FAQs and known issues
Rtalerts FAQs and known issues
AIQ Charts
All functions and features are operational except
- Intraday Chart - Disabled in AIQ Charts,
available in RTalerts
- Fundamental data - not available from IDC
AIQ RTalerts
File, Service Setup, Service added Interactive Data

NOTE Only show data during defined market hours in
the Real-time Setup is not required with IDC.
All other functions and features are operational except
- Tickers, Enable email alerts is no longer
available via myTrack
- Overlays are not available on intraday charts (currently in testing)
- Refresh ticker button is currently disabled
NASDAQ Symbology
ALL NASDAQ TICKERS in RTalerts and Quotes require -QB appended to the ticker.
For example AAPL needs to be AAPL-QB.
NOTE: Real-time/delayed data currently only available on US
Canadian exchanges, US indices, Futures & currencies will be
available later.
Included sample layout with commonly used fields and sample
tickers now included.
Once in Quotes, File, Open /wintes32/sampleIDC.bcf.

All other functions and features are operational except
- News - available in a future release
- Right click on a ticker, launch Real time
Chart, Ticker News, Nasdaq level II and Fundamentals not available
NASDAQ Symbology
ALL NASDAQ TICKERS in RTalerts and Quotes require -QB appended to the ticker.
For example AAPL needs to be AAPL-QB.
NOTE: Real-time/delayed data currently only available on US
Canadian exchanges, US indices, Futures & currencies will be
available later.
AIQ Data Retrieval
Service, Interactive Data now accepts -T for Toronto
All other functions and features are operational except
- Intraday snapshot download that was a feature
of Dial/Data is not available currently with IDC
- Market Breadth data for AMEXCH is not available
DJIA Market Chart
IDC uses a different underlying
ticker for the AIQ Market Chart DJIA.
Open AIQ Data manager, locate
DJIA in the Master List and double click on the ticker.
In the Modify Market screen change
the price ticker to INDU and click OK.

INDU is not in your database click on Ticker, New, enter INDU, choose
Index and click OK.
Follow the instructions again for making changes to the DJIA ticker.
ASE and XAM are not available currently with IDC
tickers underlying the market AMEXCH are not currently available.
Canadian tickers with 'U
tickers with 'U, for example, ABC'U require an alias.
AIQ Data manager, locate the ticker in the Master List and double
click on the ticker.
the Edit Ticker screen add the ticker symbol with an '.U' in the alias
box (ABC'U in alias put ABC.U),
click OK.
FOREX currency pairs
currency pairs like GBPUSD are not available through IDC.
All functions and features are operational except
- Real time back testing not available with IDC
AIQ Data Manager
All functions and features are operational except
- List, Find and Create not available with IDC
- Storing of real time historical data not
available with IDC
AIQ Reports, AIQ
Matchmaker, AIQ Systems Messages remain unchanged.
Fundamental data is not available through IDC