
Installation 9.5 FAQs and known issues

  • Install fails to unzip

  • Failed to register chartsAIQ.ocx during install

  • Error -113 move data error happens at start of install in

  • Error inserting a disk #

  • I added my eSignal credentials into AIQ Data Retrieval (Comm) but receive invalid username

  • Where do I enter my eSignal credentials

  • Where do I enter my IDC Datafeed credentials

    Failed to register chartsAIQ.ocx during install

    This error is related to administration rights on the client PC. The file is already registered and the message can be ignored.


    Error -113 move data error happens at start of install in

    There are several possible causes.

  • The install is being run direct from the browser cache, instead of from the download directory suggested. Open your Windows Explorer and locate the install file 95upgrade.exe, it will be in your downloads folder, or you can search for the file name. Right click on the file name, and select 'Run as Administrator'
  • Certain virus/firewall/security programs, particularly Norton or Kaspersky can block the install process. Temporarily disable these programs and run the install again
  • Continued failure with this message may require a boot into Windows Safe mode and running the install again. Information on how to boot into Safe mode is available from Microsoft at

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    Error inserting a disk #

    if you get an error asking to insert a disk, close the error and start the install again. This error may reoccur with an additional disk number. Repeat the install until the errors cease. The issue is related to temporary files from third party software installs that were not removed from your system.


    I added my eSignal credentials into AIQ Data Retrieval (Comm) but receive invalid username

    There are two usernames and passwords required for on boarding with Interactive Data.

    The first set of credentials (the same credentials you had with Track Data) are for the RTalerts and Quotes only.

    The second set of credentials that you received a few days after on boarding and start with DF9xxxx, are for the AIQ Data Retrieval. Please make sure you are using the correct credentials in the correct location.


    Where do I enter my eSignal credentials

    Open RTalerts, and click on File, Service Setup. Refer to to section 4 on this page for more information.


    here do I enter my IDC Datafeed credentials

    Open AIQ Data Retrieval and on the Service Setup tab, select Interactive Data. Refer to to section 6 on this page for more information.


    Install fails to unzip

    The install self-extractor is being blocked by aggressive malware/antivirus. Restart your computer and close all virus/security programs. Run the install again.

    If the install still fails to unzip you may need to reboot into Windows Safe Mode and then run the install. Information on Safe Mode can be found at


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