
RTalerts 9.5 FAQs and known issues


Known issues
  • Some of my ticker are not updating and show prior days close

  • Adding an overlay on a realtime charts causes a crash

  • Opening RTalerts receive 'Unexpected File Format' error

  • My RTalerts and Quotes buttons on the Main Menu do not work or receive not a valid win32 application

  • Adding margin to right hand side of chart causes RTalerts to crash

  • Missing price bars in Charts - e.g. only see 7 or 8 15 minute bars in a day

  • NASDAQ stocks not receiving data

  • Four Character stock with format ABCD-QB not receiving data

  • Frequent disconnect from Interactive Data service

  • Failed to load alert grid and/or indicator panel on launching RTalerts

  • Some of my ticker are not updating and show prior days close

    There are several reasons that you may not be receiving data for tickers in your RTalerts.

  • Too many tickers for data plan. AIQ Silver allows up to 25 tickers, AIQ Gold up to 50 tickers, AIQ Platinum up to 100 tickers.

  • You may not be enabled for the exchange for the ticker you are viewing. Please visit the eSignal Account Maintenance system at

  • Remove the check mark from Only Show Data During Defined Market Hours, click OK, close RTalerts and re enter.
  • NASDAQ stocks require the format ABCD-QB
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    Adding an overlay on a realtime charts causes a crash

    Known issue in version 9.5, currently in programming for fix.


    Opening RTalerts receive Unexpected File Format error

    The layout file is corrupted and requires deletion.

  • Open Windows Explorer

  • locate your /wintes32 folder, usually in local drive(c:)

  • Locate the name of the last layout you used in RTalerts (sort by date modified). The files are Alert Documents and have a .RTA extension

  • Select the file, then right click on it and select delete

  • Open Rtalerts again

  • To avoid this error in future, you need to clear the alerts that have fired before exiting, saving or changing layout by right clicking in the alert grid at the bottom of RTalerts and selecting Delete Alerts.


    My RTalerts and Quotes buttons on the Main Menu do not work or receive not a valid win32 application

    TradingExpert Pro 9.5 is not compatible with Windows XP, requires Windows 7 or higher.

    Adding margin to right hand side of chart causes RTalerts to crash

    In Chart properties in Rtalerts the right margin set to any level except '0' can cause RTalerts to crash. Save your layout after changing the margin to '0'.


    Missing price bars in Charts - e.g. only see 7 or 8 15 minute bars in a day

    Remove the checkmark from File, Service Setup, Only show data during defined market hours. Click OK and shutdown and restart RTalerts.


    NASDAQ stocks not receiving data

    All NASDAQ stocks require the ticker symbol be in the format ABCD-QB in Rtalerts and Quotes (elsewhere in the platform this change is not required). e.g. MSFT needs to be in the format MSFT-QB.

    Four Character stock with format ABCD-QB not receiving data

    If you have a 4 character stock format ABCD-QB and it isn't receiving real time data check to make sure its a NASDAQ stock e.g. CMCM-QB won't update because it is a NYSE stock

    Frequent disconnect from Interactive Data service

    Some aggressive anti virus platforms like Vipre can cause this problem. Switching to another anti virus platform is recommended.

    Failed to load alert grid and/or indicator panel on launching RTalerts

    During the install administrator level privileges are required to register files for RTalerts. This can also be blocked by some agressive anti virus programs. The error can be fixed by doing the following. In Windows 8, right click on the Start and select Command prompt run as administrator

  • Click on Windows Start and in the search box copy type cmd, don't hit enter. when the search finds cmd.exe, right click on it and select run as administrator. (In Windows 8, right click on the Start and select Command prompt run as administrator)

  • At the prompt that appears, type cd\windows\syswow64 hit enter (see picture below)

    At the prompt that appears, type regsvr32 aiqalertgrid.ocx hit enter

  • You should see this message, click OK

    Click OK on the message and at the prompt, type regsvr32 indicatorpanel.ocx and hit enter

  • You should see this message, click OK

    Click OK on the message and try the Rtalerts again.

    If you're running Kaspersky you might check and see if the Trusted Application mode is enable as this blocks almost all new apps, there is information on this at Kaspersky site

    How do I change the amount of data that I see on an RTAlerts chart?

    In RTAlerts, Click on File, Service Setup. Type in the maximum number of days to display in realtime charts, and/or historical charts, in the section labeled Charts. Note: 30 days is the maximum for realtime charts.

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    In RTAlerts, Click on File, Service Setup. Put a check in "Only Show Data during defined Market Hours".

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    How do I add Alerts?

    In RTAlerts, click on File, Alert properties. Click on Edit Alerts. Enter the Alert Code in the Alert Code box, or click on Rule Wizard to add Alert Code.

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    Can I add custom indicators?

    Yes. In RTAlerts, click on File, Indicator Properties, Custom Indicators. Click on Add, choose the Plot Type, click next. Give the indicator a description and choose the UDF you want to plot. You can also choose whether to plot the indicator on the price plot.

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    How do I set up Email Alerts?

    In RTAlerts, click on Tickers, Enable Email Alerts.

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    How do I configure sounds for the Alerts?

    In RTALerts, click on File, Alert Properties. Right click on the Alert, choose Add Sound. Choose the .wav file you want associated with the Alert. Do the same for each alert you have enabled.

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    How can I add a Price Alert?

    Price Alerts are achieved by adding trendlines to the charts. Follow these steps to active a Trendline Alert:
    1. Right click on a chart. Choose draw attributes. Draw the trendline.
    2. Click on file, Alert Properties. Edit the Alerts.
    3. Add the following to the Alert Code:
    ! Alert me if the last trade of a price bar breaks through my trendline to the downside
    TrendlineBreakDn if TrendlineBreakout() < 0.
    ! Alert me if the last trade of a price bar breaks through my trendline to the upside
    TrendlineBreakUp if TrendlineBreakout() > 0.
    4. Enable the Alerts.

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