
Overlaying price history from the past on a current chart

The chart below illustrates the new sliding overlay feature. Here we have
overlaid the price history of the Dow Jones Industrial Average from July 1972 (in yellow)
over the Dow Jones Industrial Average price action from May 2002 (in red). By locking the
overlay, any part of a history of a ticker can be overlaid over any other part of the
history. Now it's possible to really discover if history repeats itself.

To view a chart of two overlaid tickers, do as follows:

1. Open Charts and display a chart of ticker #1.
2. Select Overlay from the Chart sub-menu. The Overlay Ticker dialog box is displayed.
3. In the Ticker Symbol section of this dialog box, enter the symbol of the ticker that you want to overlay (ticker #2). 4. You may also make the following selections which determine the appearance of the chart:

    Vertical Scales: Select one of the following locations for the price scales:

  • L&R - Ticker #1 vertical price scale shown on right and ticker #2 vertical price scale shown on left.
  • R only - Vertical price scales for both tickers shown on right side of chart.

    Colors: From the 16 available colors, select colors for the overlay ticker (ticker #2). Different colors may be specified for the three components of the Price Plot — Hi Lo Bars, Open, and Close. To specify colors:

  • Click on the Price Plot component that you want to change.
  • Click on a color.
    5. Click OK. The Price Plot will now display the overlay ticker along with the originally charted ticker.

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