Leading Edge Options Technology
Powerful and Easy to use Tools
Economic Analysis, Strategy Analysis, Real-time & Historical charts
Position Analysis, Two Future Value Methods, Screening Capabilities
The Power of AIQ's Position Graphs
Advanced Position Tracking
OptionExpert - Powerful and easy to use
After OptionExpert has helpeed you select the best strategy and optimum positions, it delivers a complete range of leading-edge tools designed to help you analyze and understand the full range of risk/reward factors associated with making the trade.

Vetical Axis

Profit - Expected Profit
Yield - Expected yield on cash outlay
Delta - Expected change in theoretical option value per unit change in stock value
Gamma - Expected change in Delta per unit change in stock value
Theta - Expected change in theoretical option value per unit change in time remaining to expiration
Value - Theoretical option value

Leading the list of tools is AIQ's position graphs. Simply select the Position Graph tab on the AIQ's analysis screen to display a graph of any selected position. Inintially, you'll receive a plot of Profit vs Price computed on the basis of the current Situation Data. To change the parameters used for either axis of the graph, simply click the buttons located along each axis. Any combination of the following parameters can be graphed:

Horizontal Axis

Price - Price of the underlying instrument (stock or index)
Interest Rate - As entered in properties
Volatility - Computed automatically from historical price information
Dividend - Current annual dividend obtained through your data service
Time - Time to expiration

$86.99/mo real-time click here
30-day trial of OptionExpert Software on CD $25 (requires a real-time myTrack account) plus shipping

Download 30-day trial of OptionExpert Software (requires a real-time myTrack account)

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