TradingExpert Pro 7.2 upgrade

To proceed directly to TradingExpert Pro v7.2 upgrade click here

WARNING: this upgrade is designed for TradingExpert Pro users on the monthly lease plan with myTrack or eSignal. If you are a user of TradingExpert end of day version, contact AIQ sales at 1-800-332-2999 to purchase an upgrade.

TradingExpert Pro users on the monthly lease plan may also order a copy of 7.2 on CD for $15 plus shipping, please contact AIQ sales at 1-800-332-2999

New Features -   RTalerts click on the links to see examples
     Space on right hand side of the chart drawing tools extend for extrapolation.
    Multiple instances of RTalerts launched from AIQ Menu, allows alerts on multi-time frames.
    Vertical grids
    Parallel Lines drawing tool
    Zoom feature - click and drag box around chart area and zoom it
    +/- DMI indicator
    Per-indicator color selection
    Clear alert list at exit
    Modified toolbar icon for drawing arrow to indicate attribute is actually arrow and text
    Keyboard shortcuts CTRL + for increase spacing, CTRL - for decrease spacing
    Candlestick colors independent of hi-lo bar colors.
    Added hot key (F11) and menu item to show/hide the price/data pane in the indicator panel
    Center divider in indicator panel now acts like a splitter

New Features -   Portfolio Manager
    Addition of automatically calculated SEC fees . The amount is "soft". Read from aiqpmgr.ini.
            Transaction Fees – US or UK
            Default Fee is:
            US – 4680 / 100,000,000
            UK – 50 / 1000
    Drawdown from initial investment (applies only to simulation accounts) and from maximum value to subsequent low.
    Add to Statistics/Analysis report, Risk Analysis Tab, and Performance Report maximum drawdown computation- defined as the largest continuous percentage decline in portfolio value
    Charting of IRR or Portfolio Value. Allow use of comparative index.
    When specifying a testing period (range of the graph), allow the starting values to be 0.
    Export IRR values
    Label graph as to whether it is IRR or Value
    Eliminate Index for Value show only when IRR (when so designated)
    Insertable columns RS Ticker Account
    Allow consolidated account Statistics/Analysis reports
    Add a parameters screen
            Allows description & comments for printed report (50 char max)
            Allows the start date and end date to be changed (a zoom over a certain period)
            Allows a different RS Ticker
            Allows specification of treatment of open positions
    Eliminate footer on consolidated accounts only (information could be incorrect & not applicable to the analysis)
    Screen does not show immediately at the conclusion of a simulation…process is the same as previously.
    Have calendar-based Performance analysis.
    For consolidated accounts, start date will be the first date; end date will be the last date. However these may be changed.
    Allow use of another portfolio as a comparative index value - be sure to use the portfolio symbol (it starts with a $). Also can use a portfolio from the opposite database (real vs simulation).
    Splits can cause a problem if not handled properly. Allow the user to change the name of the ticker. In this way a ticker can be inactivated but still used for portfolio irr calculations; in this case the file would have pre-split information.

New Features -   EDS Strategies
We've enhanced the EDS strategies folder and added over 60 new strategies, click here to find out more and how to download the new arrangement.

Bug Fixes


-  Problem with changing indicator constants thru indicator panel did not cause immediate update in chart. FIXED 7.2.2003.0617
-  Candlesticks, under certain conditions will not draw properly if the open and close are almost identical. FIXED 7.2.2003.0617
-  Money Flow RSI drawing out of chart boundaries - this also was present in AIQCharts FIXED 7.2.2003.0617
-  Trendline drawing incorrect when switching between log and arith scales FIXED 7.2.2003.0701

Portfolio Manager

-  ending balance shows as zerosFIXED 7.2.2003.0617

AIQ is a part of Track Data Corporation (NASD symbol TRAC)