AIQ Data Power Packs
| ETF Sector & Specialty Lists plus monthly IPOs
This package contains several specialized lists.
First, we have a unique Sector and Group based upon sector ETF's.
Using AIQ's Trading Expert Pro you can analyze the holdings within an ETF and find those opportunities ready to move. .
Next up is a list of REITs, everything you need for finding gems in real estate.
Another specialized list we've included, incorporates the leading 30 large-cap equities in which a select group of U.S. investment billionaires have allocated the most assets. Based on data from Securities and Exchange Commission 13F filings. Why not invest where the wealthy invest?
Want to know what the insiders know? This next list has 100 of the top publicly-traded companies based on positive sentiment among those closest to a company's financials and business prospects, such as directors, large institutional holders, and the Wall Street research analysts who follow the company.
Another list included in this bundle is a select group of publicly traded master limited partnerships with the potential to yield and outperform on a risk adjusted basis the SP500 Index and other benchmark indices.

Utilities ETF sector and component stocks
Don't miss out. For one low fee each month you'll get
Sector ETF & Specialized Lists
- Sector ETF - 10 Dow Jones sector ETFs as groups with accompanying stocks for each ETF sector
- REITS - Consolidated list of Real Estate Investment Trusts
- 13F Large Cap Investors - the leading 30 large-cap equities by billionaires * Updated Quarterly
- Multi Cap Insiders - 100 of the top publicly-traded companies based on positive sentiment
- High Yield MLP - a select group of publicly traded master limited partnerships
- Leveraged & Inverse Market Index ETF's (1x, 2x, 3x)
- Leveraged & Inverse Sector ETF's (1x, 2x, 3x)
PLUS we'll also include these BONUS lists
- 3,2,1 x Leveraged and Inverse ETF's sorted by market cap and sector
- WORLDETF List - 37 'Single Country' ETF's divided into 5 World Regions
- BDCS List - total of 56 Business Development Company securities
- PRFD List - total of 139 Investment Grade (S&P &/or Moody Rated) Preferred Stocks
- Monthly IPO lists
You hear about them in the news all the time. The latest pioneering company going 'public' and ringing the bell at the open of the NYSE.
There are new companies being listed every month on the US markets, stocks and ETFs you might want a slice of the action.
Now AIQ is offering a unique monthly service providing you with the AIQ list file and ticker file for these IPOs. Add them to your existing database with a simple download and quick install each month.
PFGC Performance Food Group Company IPO in October 2015
Keep your database up to date with the latest listing of stock and ETF IPO's from the previous month.
Updated tickers and list data every month Your price only $19.99/mo.
SAVE $$$$$$$ Order all 3 Power Packs for one low price