Force Index
!!! Force Index - from "Trading for a Living" by Dr Alexander Elder, published by John Wiley and Sons
!!! Force is plotted as a histogram with a horizontal centerline at zero level.
ForceIndex is ([volume] * ([close] - val([close], 1))) / [close].
!!!Example stock DJIA on 09/10/2001
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Herrick Payoff Index
! Herrick Payoff Index - page 183 from "Trading for a Living" by Dr. Alexander Elder, published by John Wiley and Sons.
! These are UDF's that can be plotted as indicators.
MidRange is ([high] - [low]) / 2.
YesterdayMidRange is ValResult(MidRange,1).
Min2DayOpenInt is min([openint],val([openint],1)).
ChangeInOpenInt is abs([openint] - val([openint],1)).
Channel is ((ChangeInOpenInt * 2) / Min2DayOpenInt).
SignedChannel is IFF( MidRange < YesterdayMidRange , Channel * -1, Channel).
DaysInto is ReportDate() - RuleDate().
Stop if DaysInto >= 240.
K is ((MidRange - YesterdayMidRange) * [volume]) * (1 + SignedChannel).
KY is iff( Stop, 0, ValResult(K,1)).
HPI is Ky + ( K - Ky).
!!!Example stock DJIA on 09/10/2001
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! Stochastic - from "Trading for a Living" by Dr Alexander Elder, published by John Wiley and Sons
! Fast stochastic, that plot both PercentK and PercentD on the same graph.
C is [close].
L is Loval([low], n).
H is HiVal([high], n).
n is 5.
PercentK is ((c - l) / (h - l)) * 100.
PercentD is (sum((c-l), 3)) / (sum((h - l), 3)) * 100.
! Slow stochastic
Slowstoch is simpleavg(PercentD, 3).
!!!Example stock DJIA on 09/10/2001
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The Directional System
! The Directional System - from "Trading for a Living" by Dr Alexander Elder, copyright John Wiley & Sons
! 1 - Identify "Directional Movement"
TodaysDM is [high] - [low].
YesterdaysDM is val([high], 1) - val([low], 1).
DMup if TodaysDM > YesterdaysDM.
DMdown if TodaysDM < YesterdaysDM.
!! 2 - Identify the "True Range"
A is [high] - [low].
B is abs([high] - val([close], 1)).
C is abs([low] - val([close], 1)).
TR1 is max(a, b).
TR is max(tr1, c).
!! 3 - Calculate daily Directional indicators
DIplus is DMup / TR.
DIminus is DMdown / TR.
!! 4 - Calculate smoothed Directional Lines
DIplus13 is simpleavg(DIplus, 13).
DIminus13 is simpleavg(DIminus, 13).
!! 5 - Calculate ADX
DX is ((DIplus13 - DIminus13) / (DIplus13 + DIminus13)) * 100.
DX13 is simpleavg(dx, 13).
!!!Example stock DJIA on 09/10/2001
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Williams % R
! Williams % R - from "Trading for a Living" by Dr. Alexander Elder, published by John Wiley and Sons.
! Williams % R For indicators use an upper reference line as 90, lower reference as 10.
r is 7.
Hr is Hival([high], r).
Lr is Loval([low], r).
C is [close].
WMR is 100 * ((Hr -C) / (Hr - Lr)).
!!!Example stock DJIA on 09/10/2001
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