AIQ Store
You can now access this exclusive 60 minute premium webinar recording and course manual. The Professor revealed to attendees one of his stock trading strategies, his 'Rifle Trading strategy'. In this course, you'll see this strategy used for real, so that you'll know exactly:
- How to find the best trades fast
- Exactly when to buy and when to sell
- How to manage the positions
- How to minimize your risk and maximize your profit
This strategy is equally suitable for novice and experienced traders and once you learn this powerful trading strategy you can use it immediately.
99.99% of investors or traders have no idea about the strategy you'll learn on this course, as it's simply not taught anywhere else
The success stories and testimonial we've received from clients, show how effective and profitable the Professor's strategies really are. Whether you're already trading or relatively new to investing, this is a once in a life time chance to learn one of the best investment techniques in the World...
Your price will be only $99 (that's way below the asking price of $299)

Price includes unlimited access to the recording and the course manual in PDF.
Trading The Turns Course
You can now access this exclusive 60 minute premium webinar recording and course manual. The Professor revealed to attendees one of his stock trading strategies, his Trading the Turns strategy'
One of the more important questions that traders face periodically is to determine when a stock or a market is reversing.
How do you know that you're not catching a falling knife?
If you 're thinking about buying a stock that has pulled back in a downtrend, how do you know that you're not catching a falling knife? The reverse is also true. If you buy a stock in an up trend, how can you tell when it still has more upside, or when it's too late and time to get out?
It’s rather simple really, but you must know the signs
In his webinar on Trading the Turns, the Professor will show you exactly how to make these types of trades. There are several elements to making these trades, and you need all of them in place to be successful.
This simple idea is often overlooked - predict targets before you trade
The professor has a technique you can learn that predict targets for these trades. You see, some targets are not worth the effort, and some are, so you know which trades to take and which ones to avoid. All this before you even place a trade, now doesn't seem like the ultimate way to trade?
You'll see this strategy used for real, so that you'll know:
- How to avoid the trades that look like a pullback or a rally but are really not
- Which indicators are best for triggering these trades
- How to spot whether you're trade is in a major trend or not
- How to predict stop targets for these trades
- When to take money off the table
- How to minimize risk and maximize profit
Amazing discount
... and if you are fast enough, your price will be only $99 (that's way below the asking price of $299)
Going to the Candy Store course
 Fed day pay day - learn how to cash in on fed day and get two BONUS insights included
So what's with the title? This course focuses on the techniques he uses to trade the markets on event driven days like the Fed Announcement. He calls these techniques ‘Going to the Candy Store’. Like all of the techniques in the Professor’s Methodology, they are extremely easy to understand and apply.
With the right setup and technical analysis, these special days in the market can be money in the bank. It's not rocket science, it's common sense and simple technique.
BONUS #1 - 100 point move predictor
There's always more than one candy at the candy store! The Professor also reveals how he uses the A-D oscillator to predict moves of 100 points or more, a day or two before the moves actually occur.
Knowing that the Dow will be making a move a day or two in advance can be extremely profitable. It’s almost like going to the race-track with the results from tomorrow’s newspaper in hand. It’s that good! If you haven’t used the A-D oscillator in the past, you should definitely attend this webinar. One trade from a Big Move can easily pay for the entire cost of the webinar and then some.
In addition to being able to identify the Big Moves, the Professor will also show you how he uses the A-D oscillator to identify short-term trend changes.
BONUS #2 - A peek inside The Professor's Algorithm
We're going to give a peek inside the Professor's most powerful tool, his Algorithm. You'll learn how he uses The Professor Algorithm to identify the times when the market is setting up to begin a Major Trend. By understanding how to use this tool, you will be able to minimize or eliminate false signals that often lead to whip-saws*. He'll also show you how The Professor Algorithm can be used to determine the strength of these moves, so you can determine in advance if the move will be worth trading.
Professor's Algorithm performance during 2013. The algorithm caught every Major rally
If you enjoyed The Professor’s previous courses on ‘Trading The Turns’ and ‘Rifle Trades’, you’re gonna love this course.
Includes seminar handouts and access to the recording
Amazing discount
... and if you are fast enough, your price will be only $99 (that's way below the asking price of $299). Click on the order now to get access to this course.
ONLY $99
The Total Trading Strategy Course
3 of the Professor's premium streamed video courses at one great price
All 3 courses into one package at a special introductory rate. The Professor Hank has been featured extensively on TV and in newspapers in Jacksonville, FL, for his legendary stock trading courses. This limited time offer is only available here!
PACKAGE #1 - The Rifle Trade
This strategy is equally suitable for novice and experienced traders and once you learn this powerful trading strategy you can use it immediately. The 'Professor's' Rifle Trade' uses a combination of technical indicators, that he has thoroughly tested during his 25 years of trading. And they really work. You only have to read the testimonials from The Professor's clients to realize that what the Professor teaches is revolutionizing how traders and investors manage their portfolios.
PACKAGE #2 - Trading the Turns
Heads are turning with the latest from the Professor. This amazing strategy will arm you with the tools to turn the tables on your trading with devastating results. One of the more important questions that traders face periodically is to determine when a stock or a market is reversing. How do you know that you're not catching a falling knife? If you 're thinking about buying a stock that has pulled back in a downtrend, how do you know that you're not catching a falling knife? The reverse is also true. If you buy a stock in an up trend, how can you tell when it still has more upside, or when it's too late and time to get out?
PACKAGE #3 - Going to the Candy Store
Hot off the press!! Fed day pay day - learn how to cash in on fed day. With this simple yet effective strategy you learn how to trade the Fed day and get the bonus 100 point move predictor thrown in. Plus a peek inside the Professor’s algorithm. So what's with the title? This course focuses on the techniques he uses to trade the markets on event driven days like the Fed Announcement. He calls these techniques ‘Going to the Candy Store’. Like all of the techniques in the Professor’s Methodology, they are extremely easy to understand and apply. With the right setup and technical analysis, these special days in the market can be money in the bank. It's not rocket science, it's common sense and simple technique.
Each of these courses sells individually for $299 $99 or more. If you act now we'll also include the slides for all 3 courses!
This entire package with 3 courses, 2 bonus indicators and slides is all yours for the low price of
Act now before we change our mind
If you have purchased one or two of these courses previously, please call 1-800-332-2999 or email sales@oneminutestock.com for special pricing to access this deal.