! 3 Black Crows
Crow1 if Val([open],2) >= Val([close],3) and Val([close],2)< Val([close],3)and
Val([open],2) > Val([close],2).
Crow2 if Val([open],1) >= Val([close],2) and Val([close],1)< Val([close],2)and
Val([open],1) > Val([close],1).
Crow3 if [open] >=Val([close],1) and [close]< Val([close],1)and
[open] > [close].
Trend if [close]>[it esa].
ThreeCrows if Crow1 and Crow2 and Crow3 and trend.
!! Bottom-fishing model
!This bottom-fishing model works with a fixed 10-day holding
!period and was featured in the April 2000 Opening Bell. The
!model was developed by David Vomund.
!Set the RSI Wilder to 7 days in charts before running this file.
!Close today less than 70% of Close 10 to 50 days ago.
Close10to50 is HiVal([Close],40,10).
CloseToday70percentorless if [Close]<= (Close10to50* 0.70).
!VApct must have a positive value.
Vapct if [Va pct]>0.
Bottomfishing if CloseToday70percentorless and Vapct.
VASlope if Slope([Va Pct],45)>0.
CitizenKane if VASlope and Vapct and CloseToday70percentorless.
RSI if [RSI Wilder]<30.
! OBVPct slope is up while price slope is dn OBVPctDIVup if Slope([OBV
Pct],45)>0 and Slope([close],45)<0.
BestofKane if CitizenKane and RSI and OBVPctDIVup.
! Make sure that in charts the RSI
is set to 7 days and LTMA is set to 200 days
MA if [close]<[LT MA].
volume if [volume ESA]>2000.
! OBVPct slope is dn while price slope is up
OBVPctDIVup if Slope([OBV Pct],15)>0 and Slope([close],15)<0.
! Moneyflow slope is up while price slope is down
MFupPRICEdn if Slope([Mnyflow],15)>0 and Slope([close],15)<0.
RSI if [RSI Wilder]>50.
MACD if [MACD] > [MACD Sig Line].
MFRSI if [MF RSI] > 70.
allworks if volume and MA and OBVPctDIVup and MFupPRICEdn and RSI
and MACD and MFRSI.
! Based upon strategies
from "Hit and Run Trading" by Jeff Cooper. Copyright M. Gordon Publishing.
! Boomers - Buys - from Hit and Run Trading by Jeff Cooper.
! ADX must be more than 30 and DirMov must be positive.
! Day 2's high must be less than or equal to day 1's high and its
low must be greater than or equal to
! Day 1's low.
! Day 3's high must be less than or equal to day 2's high and its
low must be greater than or equal to
! Day 2's low.
! On day four only buy 1/8 above the day 3 high.
Adx30DirMovUp if [adx] > 30 and [DirMov] > 0.
InsideDay1 if Val([high], 2) <= Val([high], 3) and Val([low], 2)
>= Val([low], 3).
InsideDay2 if Val([high], 1) <= Val([high], 2) and Val([low], 1)
>= Val([low], 2).
Day4Only if [close] >= Val([high], 1) + 0.125.
BoomerBuy if Adx30DirMovUp and Insideday1 and InsideDay2 and Day4Only.
!Short-term Trading Model covered in
the December 1999 Opening Bell.
!Model developed by Wesley Nevels.
!less than 25 dollars
cheap if [close]<25.
!volume spike decresed from 1.91 to 1.22 to allow intraday use
yesterday is val([volume],1).
spike if [Volume]>([Volume ESA]*1.22) and [volume]>yesterday*2.
!not noticed
yesterdayclose is val([close],1).
NN if [close]< yesterdayclose*1.15.
!p-n vol divergence
divergence if slope([N-Vol ESA],5)<0 and slope([P-Vol ESA],5)>0.
!positive stock slope
pos if slope([Stochastic],5)>0.
exchange is MarketCode().
nasd if exchange="OC".
!bad sar
badsarday if [ParaSAR]>[High].
goodstock if cheap and spike and NN and not badsarday.
buy if goodstock and [va pct]>5 and [IT ESA]>[LT MA] and divergence
and pos and nasd.
VolumeESA50 is expavg([volume],50).
VolRatio is [volume]/VolumeESA50.
ROC5 is (val([close],5)/[close]-1)*100.
VCR is VolRatio*ROC5.
!!!Plot VCR as a single line indicator with two horizontal lines
at +60 and -60.01
! Based upon strategies from "Street
Smarts", copyright M. Gordon Publishing.
! The Holy Grail - A 14-period ADX must initially be greater than
30 and rising
! A retracement in price to 20-period exponential moving average
accompanied usually
! by a turn down in ADX. When price touches the 20 day buy at above
the highof the previous bar
! A 14-period ADX must initially be greater than 30 and rising
ADX1 if [ADX]>30.
! Make sure the price has recently fallen.
Pullback if ScanAny([high]>[Upper ESA],20) <> NoDate() and ResetDate().
!Price near the 20 Day ESA. You must set your IT ESA indicator to
Price if val([close],1)<[IT ESA]*1.02 and val([close],1)>[IT ESA]*0.99.
Buypoint if [high]>Val([high],1) and [high]>[IT ESA].
HolyGrail if ADX1 and Pullback and Price and Buypoint.