Soldier1 if Val([low],2) = Val([open],2) and Val([close],2) > Val([open],2).
Soldier2 if Val([low],1)= Val([open],1) and Val([Close],1) > Val([open],1).
Soldier3 if [low] = [open] and [close] > [open].
ThreeSoldiers if Soldier1 and Soldier2 and Soldier3.
Crow1 if Val([open],2) >= Val([close],3)and Val([close],2)< Val([close],3)
Val([open],2) > Val([close],2).
Crow2 if Val([open],1) >= Val([close],2) and Val([close],1)< Val([close],2)
Val([open],1) > Val([close],1).
Crow3 if [open] >=Val([close],1) and [close]< Val([close],1) and
[open] > [close].
Trend if [close]>[it esa].
ThreeCrows if Crow1 and Crow2 and Crow3 and trend.
! Candlesticks - Bearish Engulfing
Pattern marks the end
! of a discernible uptrend. A solid Real Body follows
! outlined Real Body and solid Real Body engulfs the prior day
Engulfbearish if val([open],1)< val([close],1) and [close] < [open]
val([open],1)> [close] and val([close],1) < [open].
! Candlesticks - Bullish Engulfing
Pattern marks the end
! of a discernible downtrend. The pattern consists of
! a solid Real Body followed by an outlined Real Body that
! engulfs the prior day's solid.
Engulfbullish if val([open],1) > val([close],1) and [close] > [open]
val([open],1) < [close] and val([close],1) > [open].
! **PLEASE NOTE: Due to no real description of "Long Body" this
! created using greater than 2 for white long bodys and greater
! than 1 for black long bodys.
Hara if Val([close],1) - Val([open],1) > 2.0 and [close] < Val([close],1)
[open] > Val([open],1) and [high] < Val([high],1) and [low] > Val([low],1).
Hara1 if Val([open],1) - Val([close],1) > 1.0 and [open] < Val([open],1)
[close] > Val([close],1) and [high] < Val([high],1) and [low] >
GapUp if [low] > val([high],1).
Body if [low] = [close] and [open] > [low].
UShadow if [high] - [open] > ([open] - [low]) * 2.
ShootingStar if GapUp and Body and UShadow.
OpenandClose is abs([open] - [close]).
UpperShadow if ([high] > OpenandClose+[open] and [open] > [close])
([high] > OpenandClose+[close] and [close] > [open]).
LowerShadow if ([low] < [open] - OpenandClose and [open] < [close])
([low] < [close] - OpenandClose and [close] < [open]).