!Expert Rating is down
stock is description().
ExpertAnalysisDOWN if [ER DOWN]>0.
ER is [ER DOWN].
price is [close].
Percentchg is ((Val([close],5)-[close])/ Val([close],5))*100.
TS is [TS].
DTS is [DTS].
Groupticker is Symbol().
Group is TickerUDF(RSTicker(),Groupticker).
GroupTS is TickerUDF(RSTicker(),Group).
GroupDTS is TickerUDF(RSTicker(),GroupTS)..
!Expert Rating is up.
stock is description().
ExpertAnalysisUP if [ER UP]>0.
ER is [ER UP].
price is [close].
Percentchg is ((Val([close],5)-[close])/ Val([close],5))*100.
TS is [TS].
DTS is [DTS].
Groupticker is Symbol().
Group is TickerUDF(RSTicker(),Groupticker).
GroupTS is TickerUDF(RSTicker(),TS).
GroupDTS is TickerUDF(RSTicker(),DTS).I.
! Price Volume Divergence Report
!Positive divergence is when the price of a security moves lower
at the same time that the securitie's tech indicator move higher.
!Negative divergence is when the price of a security moves higher
at the same time that the securitie's tech indicator move lower.
! User Changeable
Define RptPeriods 5.
Define ObvWeight 0.8.
Define MFWeight 0.2.
Define Weekly 0.
!Don't modify this (usually)
Define DailyPeriods 65.
Define WeelyPeriods 13.
Periods is iff( Weekly = 1, WeelyPeriods, DailyPeriods).
HiMF is HiVal([MnyFlow], Periods).
LoMF is LoVal([MnyFlow],Periods).
MF2 is [MnyFlow].
MF1 is Val([MnyFlow],RptPeriods).
MFSlope is (MF2 - MF1)/(HiMF - LoMF)*100.
HiOBV is HiVal([OBV],Periods).
LoOBV is LoVal([OBV],Periods).
OBV2 is [OBV]. OBV1 is Val([OBV],RptPeriods).
OBVSlope is (OBV2 - OBV1)/(HiOBV - LoOBV)*100.
Price2 is [Close].
Price1 is Val([Close],RptPeriods).
PriceSlope is ( Price2 - Price1)/(RptPeriods-1).
Slope is (MFWeight * MFSlope) + ( OBVWeight * OBVSlope).
Divergence is Slope - PriceSlope.
PosPriceDivergence if Slope > 0 and PriceSlope < 0 and Divergence
> 4.
NegPriceDivergence if Slope < 0 and PriceSlope > 0 and Divergence
< -4.
!Run against your group or sector structure by clicking on file,
! then put in group list eg AIQALL and check groups only or sectors
!Indicatior for ranking RS of stocks, groups or sectors (you can
set these up a custom indicators on the charts)
RS4 is SLOPE([RS Indx],4)*100.
RS9 is SLOPE([RS Indx],9)*100.
RS17 is SLOPE([RS Indx],17)*100.
RS50 is SLOPE([RS Indx],50)*100.
RS200 is SLOPE([RS Indx],200)*100.
RScomposit is RS17 + RS50 + RS200.
!You can try different weightings or combinations.
! The purpose of this test is to confirm
Expert Ratings by using a phase change as confirmation.
! The parameters of this test are:
! 1) If a phase change occurred see if there was a corresponding
Expert Signal within the confirmation period
! 2) If so, we want the day the Expert Rating was triggered AND
the date of confirmation
!!!!Set up Variables!!!!!!
Define DaysTested 21.
Define DaysConfirmed 10.
! We are testing 21 days...but...only 10 days back from phase change
so leave the confirm period
Lookback is DaysTested - DaysConfirmed.
DateOfPhase is ReportDate() - RuleDate().
RuleDate is RuleDate().
! Main rule for confirming Up Expert Ratings
ConfirmedERUp if PhaseUpDate <> NoDate() and ERUpDate <> NoDate()
and ResetDate().
PhaseUpDate is ScanAny(Phaseup,Lookback).
DaysToPhase is ReportDate()-PhaseUpDate.
! little side effect here....using DaysToPhase uses the ScanAny
date side effect to set RuleDate...cancel it out in val call by
subtracting from itself PhasePrice is Val( [close], DaysToPhase-DaysToPhase).
! look back DaysConfirmed periods from phase change for the ER
ERUpDate is ScanAny(sERUp,DaysConfirmed, DaysToPhase).nt.
! ER to downside 95
or greater last 10 days confirmed by change in
! direction of the Price Phase indicator in the last 3 days.
ISwtactSTOCKdn if HiVal([ER DOWN],10)>=95 and PhaseCHANGEdn.
PhaseCHANGEdn if Val([Phase],2)< Val([phase],1) and Val([Phase],1)>
[Phase] or
(Val([phase],3)< Val([phase],2) and Val([Phase],2)> Val([phase],1))
or (Val([phase],4) < Val([phase],3) and
Val([Phase],3)> Val([phase],2)). *2.
! ER to upside 95 or
greater last 10 days confirmed by change in direction of the Price
Phase indicator in the last 3 days.
ISwtactSTOCKup if HiVal([ER UP],10)>=95 and PhaseCHANGEup.
PhaseCHANGEup if Val([Phase],2)> Val([phase],1) and Val([Phase],1)<
[Phase] or
(Val([phase],3) > Val([phase],2) and Val([Phase],2)< Val([phase],1))
or (Val([phase],4) > Val([phase],3) and
Val([Phase],3)< Val([phase],2)).