trading software

Five recorded sessions from the 21st Annual Traders Seminar in Las Vegas
Finally it's happened. After much lobbying from our clients, we've been persuaded to release the raw and uncut recordings from 5 of the sessions at the October seminar in Las Vegas.

The attendees who joined us this year all agreed; this year's seminar was one of the best ever. With these recorded sessions, you hear the speaker and see the presentation or live charts the speaker showed the attendees.

This is the raw and uncut recordings, no editing, it is what it is. Check out the speakers and topic below, then at the bottom of the page, you'll see the price. Attendees for the 2-day seminar paid up to $996 for 2 full days of sessions, so I think you'll agree you're getting a good deal.

Donald Dony
Canada's only Master of Financial Technical Analysis (MFTA)


Intermarket analysis - Profitable trading strategies for commodities, stocks, bonds and currencies.

Did you know that; Gold leads the commodities (CRB index)? The US dollar usually trends in the opposite direction of the CRB index and Gold? All markets are interrelated and none move in isolation? Bond prices normally move in the opposite direction to stocks (inflationary environment)? All of these and many more inter market relationships will be revealed in Donald's session. Best of all their are ETFs to trade all of them.

Donald W. Dony is a professional technical analyst and holds the top global designation of Master of Financial Technical Analysis from the International Federation of Technical Analysts.

Donald W. Dony, FCSI, MFTA has been in the investment profession for over 20 years, first as a stock broker in the 1980's and then as the principal of D. W. Dony and Associates Inc., a financial consulting firm to present. He is the editor and publisher of the Technical Speculator, a monthly international investment newsletter, which reviews major world equity markets, currencies, commodities, bonds and interest rates.

Presented in one 2 hour session

Steve Hill
President, AIQ Systems


I'm exhausted - How to identify when a ticker has exhausted a move up or down and what to do next.

In this action packed session Steve covers all of these signs of exhaustion in a move up or down; Exhaustion gap, Rising channel breakdown, Doji candlestick, Volatility fade, Volatility rollover, VIX exit strategy, Historical volatility exit and Volume exhaustion. For traders of SPY a new indicator is also presented using the VIX indicator.

Stephen Hill is CEO of AIQ Systems. For the past 15 years he has been involved in all aspects of AIQ Systems, from support and sales to programming and education. Steve is a frequent speaker at events in the U.S. and Europe, talking on subjects as diverse as Portfolio Simulation Techniques, Advanced Chart Pattern Analysis and Trading System Design.

Presented in one 90 minute session
Richard Muller
Global Equities Analyst, Thomson Reuters


Around the world in 80 minutes - Global equity investment opportunities to capitalize on future trends.

Richard's pedigree is unmatched in global equity analysis. Prior to joining Reuters and presenting his own TV show, Richard taught technical analysis to many investors and traders throughout Europe.

He began using TradingExpert Pro several years ago, and has been pivotal in educating UK and European traders in making the most of the trading tools as part of a trading strategy.

Over the last 10 years, while based in the UK, he has built up extensive global equity research and macro market analysis as both a buy side equity analyst, as well as a global equities proprietary trader.

During his presentation Richard will reveal where the best markets are to be trading and why, and the best values in each segment based on his extensive global equity research.

Presented in one 90 minute session.

Dale Wheatley
Dynamic options trader and founder TheOptionsHunter


The relationship between commodities and currencies in the context of the MACDI divergence strategy.

Dale has used the special relationship between currencies and commodities to his advantage by trading options on the ETFS. Whether it is the OIl Index, Gold Index, US Dollar index, SPY or others, correlations and leading and lagging factors all play in to finding the right time to be in the right option. Dale uses his unique MACD divergence strategy as the timing mechanism to enter option trades.

'I began teaching others when some investors asked me to explain my trading style and ever since then I have been talking about my discovery to everyone I meet. I have taught people around the world, some that I met on airplanes in the seat next to me and in other casual situations. I enjoy showing people extraordinary possibilities! I just wish someone would have taught me in the beginning how to avoid the pain of investing but, as the saying goes, 'The harder the conflict, the more glorious the triumph. What we achieve too easily, we esteem too lightly.'

Presented in one 90 minute session.

Steve Hill
President, AIQ Systems


The Band wagon - AIQ Bands, Bollinger Bands, Keltner Bands; Effective use of Bands in trading decisions.

Bands gives us a visualization of market phenomena that might otherwise go unnoticed. Bands tend to show whether prices are high or low relative to where they have previously been. 3 types of bands are put under the spotlight in this session, Keltner, Bollinger and AIQ. Classic interpretations are examined for effectiveness together with some of the lesser known but effective methods of using these tools in your trading.

Stephen Hill is CEO of AIQ Systems. For the past 15 years he has been involved in all aspects of AIQ Systems, from support and sales to programming and education. Steve is a frequent speaker at events in the U.S. and Europe, talking on subjects as diverse as Portfolio Simulation Techniques, Advanced Chart Pattern Analysis and Trading System Design.

Presented in one 90 minute session

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