Welcome to TradingExpert Pro upgrade site.
recently added features to AIQ Charts
Overlay indicators on Price Chart You can now display an indicator like MACD, Volume, Stochastic etc directly to the dailt, weekly and monthly price chart. Simply bring up a chart, right click on the indicator of your choosing in the Control Panel and select 'Overlay this indicator on price plot'
Currently this feature does not allow you to permanently save the seting for all charts and has to be applied individually.
Here's MSFT daily price bars and Volume overlaid on the price plot.
Here's MSFT Candlestick chart overlaid with Stochastic indicator.
Candlestick color selector
Hollow and solid candles can now be assigned their own colors. Under Chart, Settings, Colors.
Here's MSFT with hollow candles in green and solid candles in red.
Comparison Charts
The Comparison Charts allow you to compare multiple charts of any ticker in a percentage change format. Tickers can be entered through the regular Chart Ticker function, separated by a semicolon, or using the Explore List feature in the control panel. You can also add or remove tickers while in Explore List view.
There are six time frames available in Comparison Charts YTD, 1 MO, 3 MOS, 6 MOS, 1 YR, 2 YR. Each ticker in a Comparison Chart is automatically assigned an independent color depending on your background color.
The Charts below provide some examples of how to use this tool.
The first Comparison Chart shows a YTD percentage change comparison Of the SP500 [SPX], Nasdaq Composite [OTC] and the Volatility Index [VIX]. The dramatic drop in the VIX as the markets have risen from the March lows is clearly shown. The more volatile Nasdaq index can also be seen outperforming the SP500.

The second Comparison Chart shows a 3 MO percentage change comparison of the iShares Russell 2000 [IWM], SPDR Financials [XLF], and Street Tracks Gold [GLD]. The strong performance of the SPDR Financials vs the iShares Russell 2000 is clearly displayed. The less stellar comparative performance of Street Tracks Gold is the blue.
The third Comparison Chart shows a YTD percentage change comparison of The S&P500 Computer Group [COMPUTE] with 3 stocks from that group, IBM [IBM], Hewlett [HPQ] and Apple [AAPL]. The strong performance by AAPL vs IBM and HPQ has helped this group's gains over the last year.

Synchronized Exploring
Ability to have multiple charts of the same ticker all change when exploring in a list. Includes real-time, daily, weekly, monthly.
Activated by clicking on Explore, Sync. For example Chart ticker AAPL;AAPL;AAPL and select historical chart, change one to monthly, one to weekly. Moving to another ticker in a list and all the charts change.
Delete all attributes in Chart
Ability to have all attributes for a chart be deleted dynamically while charts are open (no ticker reopen required).
This upgrade is for clients of the TradingExpert Pro on the monthly lease plan, all other TradingExpert or TradingExpert Pro clients please contact AIQ at 1-800-332-2999 for details. If you are not on the monthly plan and install the upgrade your key number may be invalidated.